Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Low Red Moon - Ivy Devlin
Genre: YA Paranormal
# of pages: 196 (ARC)
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Recommended for: HS & beyond!
My Thoughts
This was a very fast read for me - I read it in just a few hours. The story intrigued me from page one and had me hooked until the very last page. Definitely an enjoyable reading experience in terms of action and excitement!
- Characterization was actually pretty good. There were times, though, when the MC (Avery) and the love interest (Ben) seemed to show emotions prematurely or a little too quickly, but I guess that's fair and understandable if you've got a plot that needs to keep moving. It just made it a little hard to get a feel for the characters because a lot of times, their emotions didn't really make a lot of sense.
One cool thing about Low Red Moon was that I read it with no idea what to expect, so I was able to keep a pretty open mind. I thought the story would be in-your-face WEREWOLVES! And while those creatures are part of the story, it''s just done in a very artful, subtle way. Props to the author for really maintaining suspense throughout.
- As much as I liked Low Red Moon, at times it was a little on the confusing side. At times I felt really unsure of what was supposed to be happening and how prior events were connected. In my opinion, the book could have been longer.
- The ending, for me, could have been better. I guess the ending twist wasn't "twisty" enough, if that makes sense...

Quick Say: Low Red Moon was a fun, paranormal mystery thrill ride, though the plot itself, while engaging, was a little foggy. However, this book was definitely a pleasure to read. It was EXCITING and OVERALL ENJOYABLE, and so I would recommend it!
Content: nothing mature teens couldn't handle: characters make out a lot. Just FYI :)

Final Grade:

Check out other reviews of Low Red Moon by:
The Fiction Enthusiast
Mindful Musings
Reading Addict
Reading Extensively

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