Did you get hit by the monster storm across the US this past week?
I live in Texas, so snow of any kind is pretty out of the ordinary, and not only did we get snow, we also got rain and hail right before, plus 3 days of single-digit temperatures. Funny thing is, since we don't get much of a hard winter here, I'd been wishing for some of that cold weather that's been bothering the East Coast to come our way...ta da! We got 4 days of below-freezing
real winter weather.
School was canceled, work was canceled, and I had a bunch of time to do a few things I don't have a lot of time to do:
- Bake
- Play in the snow
- Read
in the daytime,
watching the snow.
It was a wee bit scary, because we were literally stuck in the house from Monday night to Saturday morning, with iced-over streets and eight inches of snow. I put the two books I was reading on hold to re-read my new favorite book in the galaxy,
Jellicoe Road. And you know what? Second time around, in the middle of snow and sub-zero temperatures and ice and rolling blackouts and learning (just a few days ago) that the Super Bowl will be held only 2 hours away from us...it was still just as amazing and memorable.
We made an old family favorite, Toffee House Pie (it doesn't really have toffee in it, but the caramelized cover tastes like toffee) the other day: sprinkle nuts (or not) and chocolate chips on a pie crust, then top it with a combined mix (4 eggs + 2 cups sugar + 1 stick of melted butter + 1 cup corn syrup) for 30-40 minutes at 375 degrees (but don't tell Mimi that I told you, or she'd kill me)
And now the the slurp-and-splash of the melting snow is signaling the beginning of the end. It's funny how sad I am to see the last evidence of our highly irregular week drip away. It was a fun week, but I'm glad we're back above freezing again.
How did you survive the "monster storm"?