Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cover Wars [11]: Holly Black's TITHE

Okay, this Cover Wars is going to be a little different - I have lots of covers, but not really sure what country they go to! The only thing I can think of is that the majority of these are US prints, and there are just many editions of this book out there.

This is the cover I have:

This is the UK cover (according to Amazon UK):

I believe this is the original cover:

and here are some paperbacks:

#1: #2:

Personally, I like my copy best. Didn't like the book, though, but at least the cover is pretty to look at! Which do you prefer?

Last call on DYSTOPIAN literature: the best of

For this week's Suggestion Box, recommend your favorite dystopian and/or post-apocalyptic novels...preferably YA

Here are some books that come to mind when I think dystopian, and they're not YA :

Also, what kinds of characteristics make up post-apocalyptic/dystopian novels? Is there anything specific you look for or expect to have included in these types of books?
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