The rules are pretty simple. Answer the following questions with Single Word answers then pass this along to 5 other bloggers. Make sure you let them know about it though.
Your cell phone? Useful
Your hair? Blonde!
Your mother? Jokester
Your father? Geek
Your favorite food? Seafood!
Your dream last night? Romantic ;)
Your favorite drink? Gatorade
Your dream/goal? Author
What room are you in? Den
Your hobby? Traveling
Your fear? Spiders :(
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Married!
Where were you last night? Game
Something that you aren't? Quiet :)
Muffins? Yummy
Wish list item? Pony!
Where did you grow up? California!
Last thing you did? Treadmill
Your TV? On
Your pets? Spoiled
Friends? Loyal
Your mood? Anxious
Missing someone? Yes... ;)
Vehicle? Old
Something you aren't wearing? Socks
Your favorite store? Borders
Your favorite color? Silver!
When was the last time you laughed? Yesterday
Last time you cried? Month
Your best friend? Trustworthy!
One place you to to over and over again? School! :(
Facebook? Occasionally
Favorite place to eat? Roy's
Oooh, that was fun! Thank you Lindsay!
And thank you Amber Skye @ Reading Addict for the Stylish Blogger Award! And look, it's SILVER!! (favorite color)

I'd like to pass BOTH of these awards on to...
- Dazzling Mage @ A Reading Kabocha
- Jami @ YA Addict
- Steph @ StephtheBookworm
- Cassandra @ Books are Critical
- Christina T @ Reading Extensively
And now...>*DRUMROLL*<
The winner of My 75+ Followers Giveaway is...
Congrats, Jillian! Send me an email sometime in the next 48 hours...or there will be another drawing :)
Thank you to everybody who entered my very first contest, and thanks to all my lovely new blog buddies that I've had the pleasure of meeting!
Look out for another contest coming your way in MAY!!
10 shout-outs!:
fun answers....and congrats to the winner! :)
YAH! Congrats :D
Congratulations on your blog awards Amelia and thanks for passing them on to me!
Congratulations to Jillian on winning the contest!
Awww thank you so much! :) Good answers you picked for the survey. It's so hard to come up with just one word lol. I did that one a little while ago and it was pretty fun!
Congrats on the awards, and thanks so much for passing them onto me!
And Congrats to Jillian!
Congratulations to all winners! And congratulations for lovely awards =p
Congrats! I love the thought bubbles!
Over The Top award? Great fun!
i got super lucky. thank you! :D
Hi Amelia, just wanted to let you know you have an award waiting for you here.
Congratulations to the winner!
Ooh, thank you so much for the awards! And congrats to you too! =D
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