WIYW started out as a random post about a month ago but I think I might try and mememize this if it works out.
For the past week I've been reading the Troll Trilogy, which is set in Viking Norway, so I have some pictures from the Scandinavia region that might match the setting in the story!
Fjords are Fjun!
This remind me of the fells:
Can you find any pictures that might match the setting in the book your reading? It doesn't matter if it's high fantasy or realistic fiction - anyone can play along! It can be any book, too!
8 shout-outs!:
Awesome! I keep wanting to do this, but whenever I remember, I seem to be in-between books...lol. I'm reading One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost right now, so I might try to think of some places that fit the setting for that book! :)
I think you should definitely make it a meme.
It's wonderful! I'd love to find pics of settings for my books.
Those are really amazing pictures. I especially love the last one with all the trees... Is it a cemetery? It looks peaceful.
ohhhh :P
It is a cemetery! oops. okay just ignore the headstones, hahaha!
Wonderful pics...so serene and so beautiful :)
Fantastic pics! Thanks for sharing!
An adventure in reading has a meme like this every Tuesday.
gorgeous images Amelia!
not too serious i hope
Nice photos. Here are one of the most beautiful places I have visited in Norway(not my photo though).
Oooo I want to go there.
In my literary travels I just returned from Connecticut. Nothing nearly as cool as this.
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