Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Outrageous TBR!

Pretty much since December, my TBR pile has grown steadily...not a lot of change, relatively manageable. Well then I went on a freakout at the bookstore and now by TBR pile is an enormous bundle of King Kong proportions.

Still to read:

- Poor Warrior Heir and Wizard Heir, they're practically Trustees of the TBR pile! I keep pushing them back in favor of newer stuff. Hunger Games and Catching Fire I'm really waiting on, because a little birdie told me there's a CLIFFHANGER at the end of CF! Ahhhh, pesky cliffhangers! I think I may read Jessica's Guide... next, but does anybody have any suggestions as to what to read next?

No more books for a month!

Have you all had to set "limits" on buying/checking out books? How to you avoid the clutter and a "larger than life" TBR pile?

11 shout-outs!:

j said...

Since I started my blog my TBR pile has gotten huge as well. You got some really good books in yours!

Raíla said...

Why don't you read THE IRON KING first? I would do that, eh. What happened to Jami, happened to me: my TBR pile got bigger when I started blogging. And the bad thing is: I am NOT a fast reader at all. It takes at least a week for me to read a book, so the pile only grows! The good thing is: I am not used to BUY many books. I have recently bought many because of my birthday - I got lots and lots for birthday! And received a few for review, too. So, well... It's good at the same time it's not, you know? I hope to read mine as faster as I can! :)

Christina T said...

I think you should read Heart's Blood next. It is a really interesting stand alone fantasy novel loosely inspired by Beauty and the Beast. Or The Iron King. I loved how we got to see Oberon, Titania, and Puck, especially Puck. He's just such a fun character in Shakespeare and in The Iron King.

Christina T said...

I haven't bought very many books for the past few years because of space considerations. In the past if I bought a book I tried to read it fairly quickly because if I didn't there was a good chance I'd never read the book-that happened to me twice and it was a waste of money.

When it comes to checking out books from the library I have two large book bags that I usually have filled with books and I can't get more than that-I try to check out only the number of books I am returning on a given library visit. Of course that gets screwed up when a bunch of requests come in at once. That's why I now use two library bags instead of one. I also have a pile of books for review and those I just try to get to when I can. My TBR pile is much smaller than my TBR list-I currently have 197 books on that list and it grows every week thanks to reading reviews or memes on other people's blogs.

Dazzling Mage said...

Your TBR is so awesome I don't know where to start. But I'll start with what I read- Hunger Games. It's so GOOD. But, I don't know how you can resist Shiver, Wondrous Strange, and The Hourglass Door.

I don't knooooow~ >_< They all look so good!

Tynga said...

Call me crazy but I don't have a TBR pile.. I have a TBR shelf. I think it contains 130-140 books o.0

Terra said...

I have over sixty books sitting in my room waiting to be read. Some are library books and some I bought. I could go at least half the year without getting any more books but it is so hard to control myself! I think I have a problem! An addiction!

To make things worse, yesterday the Dymocks Booklover catalogue arrived and I am right now sitting here circling which books to buy next time I go in!

Hmmm... this has got me thinking that I should sign up for the Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon (http://24hourreadathon.com/) that's coming up. Maybe it will help me get through a few of those books?

Jillian said...

I tell myself I can no longer purchase books. I should only read them if I borrowed it from someone, or from the library, as this clearly saves $$. I don't know why though, but for some reason, when it's a purchase I made, I tend to try to finish those before the others, because I get all excited for having purchased something! And I know the library books should be always priority, since there's only so many days I can keep it at home. Gosh, we all need more discipline in that area!

Tales of Whimsy said...

I feel ya. When I see my stack to big - I stop adding for a bit :) It's definitely hard to do though :)

Lesa said...

Oooh, Yes! My TBR stretches into infinity! I rarely buy books-- but I do keep checking out too many at the library and people keep giving me books to read!

Every time you post this, I say read Life as we knew it--- but I didn't realize you hadn't read Hunger Games--- so now I say read Hunger Games first.

And add WoT series to your TBR stack--- can it take 12 more tomes? or is it too precarious? heehee

I asked a curious question about the comment you left over at Mrs. BG btw-- I'm always curious...

Amelia said...

@ Baja: hey I re-posted @ your blog!

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