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I loved Brightly Woven! Hope you enjoy it as much I did. :D
I've read it, and it was awesome!I also loved Wildwood Dancing. It was wonderful!
Juliet Marillier is one of my favorite authors. I liked Wildwood Dancing and loved Cybele's Secret. I haven't read Brightly Woven but it sounds really good. I hope you enjoy both books :)
You are going to love Brightly Woven, the only thing that will dissapoint you is when you're finished lol, you'll want a sequel, at least I do!
Brightly Woven is on my TBR too. Wildwood Dancing sounds good too!
I've heard wonderful things about Brightly Woven, but I haven't read it yet!
Wildwood Dancing looks like it will be a fantastic read!
I loved Brightly Woven! Wildwood Dancing looks good too!
Brightly Woven looks like a great book. I am really looking forward to your review on it. Have a great week. :)
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9 shout-outs!:
I loved Brightly Woven! Hope you enjoy it as much I did. :D
I've read it, and it was awesome!
I also loved Wildwood Dancing. It was wonderful!
Juliet Marillier is one of my favorite authors. I liked Wildwood Dancing and loved Cybele's Secret.
I haven't read Brightly Woven but it sounds really good. I hope you enjoy both books :)
You are going to love Brightly Woven, the only thing that will dissapoint you is when you're finished lol, you'll want a sequel, at least I do!
Brightly Woven is on my TBR too. Wildwood Dancing sounds good too!
I've heard wonderful things about Brightly Woven, but I haven't read it yet!
Wildwood Dancing looks like it will be a fantastic read!
I loved Brightly Woven! Wildwood Dancing looks good too!
Brightly Woven looks like a great book. I am really looking forward to your review on it. Have a great week. :)
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