Sunday, October 3, 2010


Quick thing about me:
I read YA/MG almost exclusively. However, I cannot remember the last time I read YA contemp fiction. It's not that there's anything wrong with it, I just usually read for escapism purposes, and realistic books don't really offer me much of an escape. That's why I usually stick to fantasy/dystopian, etc.
However... it is practically undisputed fact that Sarah Dessen is one of the most talented and prolific authors in Young Adult literature, and her books are monumentally popular. I read The Truth About Forever in high school, and while unfortunately I don't remember it at all, I remember liking it. I really, REALLY want to read one/some of her books again, so I need recommendations!
Here's what I had in mind:
I'm going to have this post up while I work on some of my reviews. What I would love is for you guys to leave a comment with your favorite Sarah books, and/or ones you'd recommend. If you could narrow it down to 1 or 2, that would be awesome.
If there's a book you didn't particularly like, I'd like to know that as well!

Thanks a bunch, folks! Look forward to seeing what you have to say :)

21 shout-outs!:

Savannah said...

I love Sarah Dessen as well. Her books are real and I love all her charcters. My favorite is Just Listen.

Kristina Barnes♥ said...

I don't have anything unique to comment on, other than the fact that I'm the same as you. I hardly read contemps, and I've actually never read anything by Sarah Dessen at all (even The Truth About Forever!) I've heard of so many great things, though. Think I might jump the bandwagon after you. :P

A Story Untold said...

I love Just Listen!It's one of my favourite books!

Unavailable said...

I've read a few of her books and liked them all, but I would have to say Just Listen is my favorite =)

Dazzling Mage said...

I've had Sarah Dessen in my TBR author list since high school, but never got around to buying her books until this year. Even though I'm done with high school, I still loved reading Lock and Key. It didn't feel like I was too young to read it, and I loved the relationships in the book. Definitely going to read the rest of her books.

Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said...

I love Sarah!

'The Truth About Forever' is one of my favourites and 'Along for the Ride' and 'This Lullaby' are my other two favourites. 'Dreamland' is probably my least favourite, just because it's a lot more sad and darker in tone.

Alissa said...

The Truth About Forever is my absolute favorite.

Danielle said...

My favorite Sarah Dessen books are The Truth About Forever, This Lullaby, and Just Listen. I've been meaning to reread them for the longest time. :)

Anonymous said...

Just Listen and the Truth About Forever are my two most fave!

StephTheBookworm said...

Just Listen and Lock and Key are both brilliant. So is The Truth About Forever, but you already know that. :)

Emilie said...

I absolutely love Sarah Dessen and I've read all of her books (I've reviewed The Truth About Forever on my blog if you need a refresher). You should definitely read them all but if I have to only pick one or two I would say go with Just Listen and Along for the Ride they are both really good.

The Insouciant Sophisticate said...

My absolute favorite is Just Listen; I believe my sister's favorite is The Truth About Forever. I like all the books you have pictured but am not a fan of Someone Like You, That Summer, or Keeping the Moon. Dreamland is really good although darker than later Dessen I feel (it's about an abusive relationship).

Allie said...

I love all of Sarah's books. I can narrow it down to my top 3: The Truth About Forever, Lock and Key, and Dreamland.

Rose I. Cunningham said...

I'm so glad you posted this! I decided to go on a quest and read all the books by one author. Quite frankly, I chose Sarah Dessen! I've read all her books except Dreamland, so I can't say... The first two are pretty obvious that they are the first two (Someone Like You and That Summer), but the others are amazing! I would recommend..hmm...Keeping the Moon is my favourite, but next would be ALong for the Ride, Lock and Key, and Just Listen. And the Truth About Forever. Ok, that is more than 1 or 2. I'd read Keeping the Moon and ALong for the RIde. Then Just Listen. Then Lock and KEy. (Try to find all the references to her previous books in the later ones!) But whichever you choose, they are all great!!! =)

brave chickens said...

I love 'Keeping the Moon' and 'Along for the Ride'. I've tried reading the other titles but they didnt hold my interest. I think you have to be in the perfect mood to read Dessen's books, or else it can take a lot of concentration to read, especially because they are slow paced.

Anonymous said...

get ready for ll my recommendations on goodreads!

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Love love love Lock and Key :)

Jordyn said...

THE TRUTH ABOUT FOREVER is definitely her best, but I also love love love THAT SUMMER and DREAMLAND.

CHRISTIE said...

I have never read anything by Sarah Dessen. She is popping up everywhere today. I’ll have to see what my library has, because she seems to be pretty popular with many trusted bloggers.

Lale said...

I just re-read 'Just Listen' and loved it more than ever. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorites are Just Listen and The Truth About Forever.

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